Why Partner with Us

Secured Returns

Secured Returns

Advanced Technology

Advanced Technology

Be your own boss

Be your own boss

Faster ROI

Faster ROI

Early mover advantage

Early mover advantage

Company Support

Company Support


Business Model

Charge Point Operator (CPO)

Celectric Mobility offers a partnership model through appointing Charger Point Operators (CPO) in Various Business Locations where we provide the charging stations , with access to our charger management software, ongoing support, maintenance, promotions and updates. The Partner bears the cost of installation and setup.


Our Potential Partners

Restaurants and Cafes

Supermarkets & Malls

Theatres and Entertainment Venues

Petrol Pumps

Hotels and Resorts

Hospitals and Healthcare Facilities

Corporate Offices

Public Parking Facilities

Logistics Parks & Warehouses

Transportation Hubs

Government and Municipalities

Colleges and Universities



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